feel into this ...

Your heart is bursting with love.
You’re not holding yourself back and you simply are
– imperfect, moody, joyful, a little anxious.
It’s all welcome.
You don’t need to push it away any longer
because you feel deep down that it is ok
that you are ok – just as you are.
You’re no longer trying to become a better version of yourself
in order to then be happy and fulfilled
but you are present, right here and right now, in your body.
You feel the ebbs and flows of your energy,
you honor it and see the beauty in it
– just like the waves of the ocean.
You don’t try to be someone else
or follow what everyone else is doing.
All that matters is the drum of your heart
the whispers of your intuition
that guide you, deeply, calmly and yet so clear.
Your pace is slow, nothing to miss out on
because you KNOW that as long as you follow this guidance
you’re going to be led to the most magical and beautiful experiences
Life has to offer
and experience exactly
what your soul came here for.

This membership is for those of you who long to come home– to your body and your heart.

This is not another self-improvement course but a journey of self-acceptance. This is a space to open up to who you are – in your pace, in your time.

We take out the pressure and walk together, each of you in your own way, discovering the beauty life has to offer when we experience it in the fullness of our bodies and through the openness of our hearts.

This is not yet another course to fuel your brain with lots of content but to get into your body, to practice and emBODY.

This membership supports you on that journey with different topics each month that we walk through together with different modalities – whatever is needed to really embody the topic deeper.

Sometimes you’ll receive weekly audio messages, sometimes we meet in (online) LIVE-Workshops, sometimes we meet in a circle to share and be together. Look into the description of each month to see what exactly awaits you.


Embrace all of who you are

You’re soft, wild, loud, quiet, calm, loving, strong, powerful, AND so much MORE. It is time to embrace all the different parts of your unique self without making them wrong. You feel different every day and you are different every day – that is the beauty of the feminine.

In September, you’ll be guided to drop deeper into the diversity of your feminine essence with two different sessions.

Women Circle: Learn to embody the different parts of yourself while letting yourself be seen
on Saturday, September 14th at 18:00 in Lisbon (in-person)
This session is focused on learning how it feels in your body when you allow yourself to be and express whatever is present – allowing yourself to be wild, sensual, soft… This circle guides you to feel the imprints of all that you are.

Workshop: Reconnect with your cyclical nature
on Wednesday, September 25th at 19:00 online via Zoom
This workshop gives you a deeper understanding of the phases you go through every month in your menstrual cycle. It compliments the embodiment of the women cycle with knowledge to integrate into your daily life so that you find more peace in your ever-changing nature and more freedom in being who you are.


At home in your body

from the cyclical beings that we are.

Drop back into your own natural flow by learning how to sense your own energy levels. Start adapting your daily life to what you truly need in order to thrive instead of what you “should be doing”.


Honor your rhythm

How easy it is to get caught up in the faster, better, higher spiral, ufff. It disconnects us from our nature, from the cyclical beings that we are.

Drop back into your own natural flow by learning how to sense your own energy levels. Start adapting your daily life to what you truly need in order to thrive instead of what you “should be doing”.

Workshop: Tuesday, August 6th at 19:00 (Lisbon time)
Sharing Circle & QnA: Wednesday, August 21st at 19:00 (Lisbon time)

The Membership Home

As soon as you sign up, you’ll also receive access to our Membership Home that includes 10+ meditations and recordings of workshops around feeling emotions, coming home in your body, moving through doubts, taking grounded actions …

All LIVE-Workshops take place online via Zoom and the recordings are always uploaded to the Membership Home (accessible via Website and an App on your phone).

You’ll also be part of our Whatsapp group where you can connect and where I share more information, reminders and small insights for your daily life.

If you feel a YES, excitement, inner calling or a quiet whisper to join, you can choose between two options:


30€per month
  • monthly renewal of the membership
  • possible to cancel every month


150€every 6 months
  • you receive one month for free
  • possible to cancel every 6 months


No worries! Every LIVE Workshop is going to be recorded and uploaded into the membership area.

There is no minimum commitment if you choose the monthly payment. You can stay just for one month or for as long as you wish. You can cancel your subscription every month.

If you choose the 6-months plan, you’ll be billed every 6 months and you are able to cancel your plan every 6 months.

As long as you’re part of the membership. You lose your access, when you cancel the membership.

You can either send me a message on Instagram or you can send me an e-mail to hallo@joyful-transformation.de with your question.